Friday, November 14, 2014

Help for The Haunted-Characterization

   In the begining of the story, there are not many main characters. Characters are the base of a story and with out them, there would be nothing to write about!  The main charcters in Help For The Haunted, By John Searles, are Sylvie,a 14 year old girl, and Rose, Sylvies older sister. These two girls have gone through many different problems and difficult situations in their lives, but nothing compares to the tragedy that strikes that affects their lives forever.
   Sylvie is a quiet, and very antisocial girl who struggles to find her place in this world. She doesn't have very many friends due to the fact that her parents work with ghosts and everyone knows about it. Her classmates think that what her parents do for a living is crazy and they think that she is apart of it. No one has gotten to know her on a deeper level to found out what she is truly like on the inside.
     Rose, on the other hand, is more outgoing and she is the exact opposite of Sylvie. She is wild and care-free and without Sylvie in her life, she would be absolutley crazy. Together, these girls manage to go through life and the many problems it brings them. They make eachother stronger and they help eachother grow as people.