Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Final Blog Reflections

  Throughout my 2015 blogging experience, I feel that my post about what I was going to read, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, was probably the most well-written response. In this post, I explained how I was going to start reading this book for independent reading and I explained what it was going to be about. This book is written in a different type of way; the pages are actually letters written by the main character. I think that I included a detailed summary of the book, but at the same time, not giving too much information away. By using different examples of strong diction in this post, it helped the reader visualize what I was talking about and what I wanted them to know about the book. There were also examples of figurative language as well like, "This book is a story about what its like to go through the roller-coaster ride of high school." and "...Sam and Patrick who takes him under their wings." which enhance the blog and make it relatable to the readers in the end. Overall, I feel like this is my strongest blog post because of the many different details I included and the use of literary elements to allow the reader to get a better understanding of this story.

Song writer helps kids summon courage to stop bullies- Krista Ramsey

   This article, written by Krista Ramsey, is about a local song writer who comes to schools all over the  world and delivers a strong message about bullying. He tells the students about how you can prevent bullying and how you can help someone in need instead of being a bystander. He makes the assembly fun and interesting by including the kids in the presentation and allowing them to get involved. Krista Ramsey really goes into detail to explain how the students react to the speech and how it impacts them. It even says, "The gym went quiet," which shows how strong of a message it truly was. Overall, this article is very complex and interesting and Ramsey did a nice job on portraying one man's impactful speech.