Friday, September 26, 2014

Switched- Amanda Hocking

   The book that I am going to talk about is called Switched, by Amanda Hocking. This story is definitely and unusual one, but it will always have you on the edge of your seats. It starts out with the main charcter, Wendy, a 17 year old girl, living with her brother and her aunt. You see, ever since Wendy was young, her mother has always hated her and she sensed that Wendy wasn't even her child. For her whole life, Wendy grew up with a poor relationship with her mom, so she was sent to live with her aunt. As she grows up, she thinks that her life is normal and she just has bad luck. Out of the blue, this strange boy appears in her life and he does not go away. When she realizes who he is, her life is changed forever.

   The boy, Finn, was sent to protect her and tell her what she really is. She is a troll. No, she is not your stereotypical, long haired, gross troll, she looks like a human but in reality, she is not. Finn trys to help her and he trys to get her to realize her future, what she is capable of, and how she can change the world. Throughout the story, the characters go through many different conflicts and their personalites evolve. I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys scientific fiction and anyone who enjoys a different type of book.

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a good book and you included a good summary to draw people to your blog
